+ Violent Radicalization and Extremism Mitigation

The Violent Radicalization and Extremism Mitigation Cluster equips young people with practical and deescalating tools which they can employ when confronted with situations that frequently engender deadly conflict. They also learn how to confront and redress the vestiges of seemingly-resolved ethnic, religious, regional and other forms of conflict. Overall, the intent of this cluster is to be pre-emptive, pro-active and transparent vis-à-vis instances and effects of economic, political and social grievances.

+ Entrepreneurship and Innovation

This cluster leverages the ‘power’ inherent in entrepreneurship and innovation by properly preparing disadvantaged young people for the labour market through bespoke platforms, workshops and sessions. It is our belief that the interventions in this cluster can enable young people to respond effectively to the economic, political and social inequalities, dislocations and disaffections in their countries of origin or abode.

+ Activism and Governance

The Activism and Governance Cluster’s remit includes but is not limited to an appraisal of the state of youth activism in Africa and the diaspora, drawing appropriate lessons from other climes, and enabling young people to assume their proper role as informed, passionate and thoughtful activists in their respective countries. Moreover, the Activism and Governance Cluster grapples with issues which underpin governance through a robust conceptualization and operationalization of citizenship, modes of participation available to youth from voting and making informed decisions at the ballot box, holding elected officials accountable after they are elected to formal participation in the electoral process by running for office at the local, state or national level. At the very heart of this cluster is empowerment, agency, flexibility and the creation of a safe space wherein the extant state of affairs can be challenged in whatever manner young people deem fit, and the contours and nature of their involvement either as an integral part of the system or a participant on the seeming periphery of the political process can occur on their own terms.